- Animation (3)
- Audio (19)
- Characters (3)
- From Kim (1)
- Inside Voice Alert (55)
- Level Design (27)
- Pictures (4)
- Post Mortem (6)
- Programming (5)
- Term 1 (202)
- Testing (21)
- UI (25)
- Weapons (24)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
jordan postmortem
Well I am very proud of the product we have come up with, although it is quite different from our initial idea, we have come to something that is much simpler in scope and concept, yet still fun and satisfying as a project.
What went wrong:
Aside from me being a turd from time to time, I feel like what went wrong is that we sort of didn't really understand what to expect from each other and how to get the best out of one another.
What would I change:
If I could have become a lot more interested in getting my work done from the start, then I think I would have been a lot more proud of what I have done. Although what I did I am satisfied with, I know that I could have done much higher quality work.
after death... right? thats what this thing is right?
What worked for us as a team?
As a team, we helped each other well, though some of it came in spurts, and at times to some but not to others. I know that when we had our meetings, and when stuff was getting worked on, we spent a lot of time talking over things, and talking together about what to do and how. I think we also had the same view for the game (for the most part) and that helped when we were trying to create new things, or alter our old ones.
We also had a few people that jumped up and took over extra work when things were getting sketchy. I know we all at one point worked harder then we thought we would need to, but I wanted to thank Lionell and Trevor and Paul for a lot of extra work that was put in on the game when the game was short of where it needed to be.
What didn't work for us as a team?
We didn't want to hurt feelings, and i believe that we could all go back now and say "wow that sucked when it was at this point" or "how did we let that go on for so long"... But we didn't want to upset anyone and because of that, we didn't push each other far enough.
I also think that we didn't keep in touch over changes or details at times... and sometimes people wouldn't know what was going on.
What worked for ME?
I think that the level assets turned out a bit better then I thought they might have, though they didn't come out quickly enough. Luckily when Lionell decided on an art style, it used a technique that I've used before. I did have an issue with line quality, and resolution and other things along those lines... but i think the final art style looked real well when it was applied to all the assets.
What didn't work for me?
I don't want to sound like I'm always falling back on this excuse, but I always think I'm capable of more in a short period of time then I am. Scope Scope Scope!!! Platforms game me trouble and trouble and trouble, and because of that I never moved on to new levels, I kept trying to perfect my assets. And I probably could have fixed that issue if I would have kept my mind open and talked to people. The final platforms weren't done until the game was nearly due. They should have been figured out a long time ago so I could have moved on.
Moving Forward!
I plan to apply what I've learned already to the flowcharts and level plans that Max and Lance have been working on for level 2. I would really like to be able to have a 2nd level for our game so that we can show some depth to the idea.
Starting over?!
If I were to go back and do this again... I'd have pushed myself harder. I have some good stuff at the end of this project, but I could have had more, and I think we could have made much more if we pushed each other more. I know its a learning experience, but I think i would have liked to have more game content.
Id like to thank you all for putting up with me for the past 20 weeks, I know I Can be a pain in the butt and am loud and obnoxious at times but you guys managed to deal with me... thanks everyone.
My Final Blog for Our Project ;)
What went wrong? I feel that I let my self down and you all as well because I know that I possibly should have had at least 2 more levels worth of weapons. My mind was all over the place I wish that my pride and ego would have let me ask Jacob and lionell for help sooner.
What I would change? I would have to work harder on making my stuff more finalized. I know I have many ideas I can bring to the table but I need to finalized the first one so I can move to the next.
Phil's Post Mortem for U.I.
Hello All,
The twenty week process in Team Project was a great experience. The one strength I did have in this class was not taken advantage of, and it was my fault. I have a lot of experience in being a leader at work and wanted to do the same in Team Project. At the beginning, it was addressed that I was interested in being leader for Team Project. Instead of forcing the idea of me being leader on the team, I stood back and let the team decide who they wanted to be leader. The team had more confidence in Jacob, so I said ok and took a back seat. In my military career, I learned that people need to feel comfortable with a leader to have a smooth process. A lot of the team was working together for the first time and we didn’t need any drama because someone didn’t agree with me being leader. Since this was a team environment, it wasn’t about me and my need for a resume addition. So I did the best I could to play a supporting role to Trevor and Jacob, who both did a great job by the way.
I have a lot of weakness, as you all well know. I won’t make any excuses about that. I am not a designer or an artist. The U.I. area was the only area I could go to do the best I could do. I know my designs weren’t the best. I thought I could do well with the art bible, but everything was pixilated. I’m not a technical guy by any means. I did what I could with what I had.
What I would have done differently is set aside time to read books on designing. While working a fifty hour work week isn’t easy, I should have tried to stretch more time to research design to pull my weight for the team. It was a pleasure working with all of you.
Lionell's Post Mortem
There are a lot of things that went right; we got a working game, a working website, and team experience. We all came to gather to produce a hell or a game. There was some bumps on the road and some emotions that flared but out of all that we still finished. I personally finally did what I should have done at the beginning, rise above and take some responsibility. it made me a better person and very tired.
What went wrong?
One of the major thing that went wrong was communication. At the beginning the communication of the group was lacking and throughout the class the communication levels felt like a sound image. At some points it was great and at other points it was non existed. Another problem was critiques. We were all too soft on each other and mistakes were made and not fixed. But being a total dick about things don't suit most of us.
What I would Change?
Being more direct would help if we were more direct with each other then the game would have turned out better or we would have killed each other but i am willing to risk that. I would have to go out side my normal zone to achieve such a job. Other than that I wouldn't change anything big, Some might disagree but I feel the game and how we put it to gather was great. Like I said before communication was off and as everyone know some people didn't pull their weight. Things like that I would change, but I can't; that's a personal problem and we all have it.
Trevor's Post mortem
It’s hard to nail down every single thing that went right in the creation of Warnutz. If I had to pick one thing to start this off, I would have to pick the control scheme. Right up to Interfaces, our controls scheme used the keyboard and mouse. It was set up like a first person shooter game, even though our game was a side-scroller. After getting a lot of feedback from testers, and from the comments at Interfaces, we finally went with a standard control scheme. We also were one of the first team project classes to have a fully working game with a beginning, middle, and end to it.
What went wrong?
As a team, the only thing that went wrong was all of missing our milestones as a whole. Individually, I believe that we all did complete our milestones whether it was in game or not. We also were not as critical with one another as we could have been. If someone missed their milestone or didn’t contact the team for a period of time, we just let it slide.
What would I change or do different?
If there is one thing that I would have done differently would be to create better design for the menu. I would also make sure that everyone knew a decision that was made more publicly known and in writing, not verbally. For example, the control scheme that that we came up with after Interfaces. I feel that with more communication, there would have been a lot more added and done with the game both visually and mechanically.
Post Mortem team project 2
2. what is my weakness? sometimes doing the same work over and over is hard. I realize nothing good comes easy it take work. I am not an artist cannot draw.
I cannot model human characters.
3. What would I do different? Used team members to record their voice for the team project.
Paul Postmortem
Once we were sure that we were going to make our game as a Flash-platformer; I knew that I would be able to do my best to push the technology behind the game to do something truly interesting. I was easily able to get a base system in place in order to allow everyone to be able to start getting things into the game as soon as they were ready. Also, the majority of my milestones were a large amount of smaller steps; at least when I knew how I was going to approach the situation, and these small steps eventually formed a massive 10-story spiraling staircase.
while most of my weekly updates were a culmination of many smaller fixes, many times I felt overwhelmed and I couldn't get to start to work on some upgrades I had planned for the game from the very beginning. If I could do some things differently, I would have been better about utilizing my spare time to squeeze out some more work on this game.
Post Mortem by Max Jankowski
Even though we failed to hit any of our milestones I think the exception was to the teams benifit. Another issue that Kim mentioned was our inability to be critical with our team mates; in a way this kind of hurt individuals and the team in some areas. Specifically, level design suffered due to the stagnation of the process. We were constanly waiting on other elements of the game to reach a certain level of production we could work with.
Something I would have done differently was to possibly lay out multiple concepts for levels sooner. There was a point in the level design process where we had a template basically. We could have easily started on multiple levels in a more timely manner after we had the process down. Let me state that I am used to being a 3d level designer and it was a huge difference in the production of a 2d level design!
Again, thanks team.. Thank you for this positive experience and the opportunity to test my game designing skills in a more professional light!
Post Mortem
Now we also have to take the bad with the good. I feel that what I neglected and needed to work on better was the actual process for designing the level. Both Max and I ignored the overall process in general as we didn't bother with flowcharts or level wireframes at all until much later. That is definitely one thing I feel could have gone better. Also I feel that overall I was a little too quiet during team meetings and didn't give as much feed back as I should have.
Now there are many things that I probably would do differently if I could go back to the beginning of the class. First and foremost would be the fact that I would follow the process for level design all the way through. That means concept art, flowcharts, wireframes, blockins, and testing. I would also speak up more and provide alot more input. I think I would also push myself to do even more work as I truly feel that we could have easily had two or three levels. Maybe not all completely finalized but at least have a block in of some sort for other levels.
Overall I wouldn't mind continuing development of Warnutz! and creating more levels for the game as one just isn't enough in my opinion.
Thank you all for this great opportunity in building my skills as an individual and a member of a larger entity. Good luck in your future endeavors and maybe see you again sometime down the road.
Flowchart truly finalized
I will bring in the original visio file as well as a jpg of the files. Also, just to make everyone's lives easier, here they are for your viewing pleasure.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I will bring the binder and whatever clear sleves I have from last time. There is a lot that is going to be in the binder. Also, I like to ask for everyone to bring a CD/DVD of some kind so incase the burning of files fail, we have extras to use.
That's it for now.
The power point
We also need to determind the order in which we speek so we can line the power point up in that order.
That is all.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Art Bible Items
If you have anything else that goes into the art bible, place it in the Phil's Bible folder in the Calley Drop. Tomorrow at 2:00pm is the deadline. After that I will be printing and placing in the folder.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Credits Section
Friday, July 2, 2010
Website stuff
The Process section set up for the most part. I am brushing up on some simple HTML and CSS code to get the website functioning correctly. Under the process section, there will be sections for the various areas. I have set up a dummy template as of now to to show how it will work. All the process work will show up on one page, but clicking on a section will jump to that area on the same page (once I remember how to do that and once there is stuff in there to make it function right).
As of now, there is nothing more that I can think of, at least UI wise, that needs to be done to the game. If there is, please let me know ASAP.
Also as a reminder, any and all art work for the website needs to be submitted by noon on Sunday. Please either email, put it on, or if it's too large, put it in Kim's dropbox and email me that you have done so I can acquire the files needed to be put on the website.
One last thing, please verify your email address that is up on the website is the one you want there.
Updates from the game
Fixed trees
Fake loading screen
Fixed Menu Buttons
Artifyed fake loading screen
In-game grass
*Note* "we might have to change it if nobody likes it"
Lie-Berry is updated
That is all "I think"
..."I like spoons"
Attention Team
I have made a folder in the drop box for all art bible work. Please place all work that needs to go into the bible in the folder. Also please place work in by Monday.
... issues
biggest problems are with the bosses now that they are animated
Rufus (with the fish) attacks to fast and has to big a reach... he is way to hard to kill right now
Bubba holds his weapon to far down right now... if you try to walk in to hit him... you kill yourself on his weapon... you cant get in to do it... he needs to hold his weapon up higher.
i fixed my branches... and removed the hooch today
paul made a "loading screen" for starting the level.
we also are working on the overstates and buttons for all the UI
if you have updates... DO THEM ASAP...
Our game and were its at
Yesturday was hell, but a lot of things got done and the game is near completion. Everything must be done by Monday, I know we'll have to ad more stuff on Tuseday and perhaps Thursday, but It would be great to have it done on Monday.
My Scedual is as follows
Friday - ads
Sat through Mon - fix art in game
after researching "yes I did research" I found the dimitions for basic on-line ads; I will be drawings an ad for each demition. I will put these up later on Friday "Blog and Box".
Yesturday Paul has asked me to find another level BG music, Sorry Paul, but NO. I will not find another one.
I hope everyone hits their milestones and I'll see some of you guys this week end.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I figured out the bugs!
I've already figured out the errors we were having and have fixed them. It did involve certain frames of Bubba's and Otis' animations. They weren't mislabeled, and didn't have unreferenced weapons in them. Hard to explain, should not have even been an issue, but Flash is bipolar like that.
Anyhow, ERRORS begone!
Documentation notice
In terms of level 2, that flow chart is in progress. I don't think it will be as confusing as Level 1's flow chart as I broke down the level into five segments. This one I think I will be able to keep organized alot better.
So my milestones are mainly to documentify the flowcharts some more and that's it.
See you guys next week!
P.S. I propose that we take time on Tuesday to practice our presentation as well as on Thursday.
Max, you and I have to figure out how we're going to present our stuff seeing as we were both working on the same thing.
Art Bible Alert
Everything that needs to go into the art bible needs to be in Kim's' drop box by no later than Monday. I have to combine all of first term and second term together by Tuesday. If you can drop into your work into the drop box by this weekend, I can add it in sooner.
Max's Milestone
Max out!
Fix rock Text on buttons to tie together better...
change overstates for buttons.
Change RED overstates on signs to green
fix the way the audio menu tells you the audio is off or on
outlines on grass and mountains
fix in game grass
fix platforms (straighten out branches)
put visuals into tutorial menu
remove the "start new" screen... change "tutorial button" to say "help"
fix transition from menu's to in game with a "screen" that shows bosses and allows for a fade out of old music and fade in of new
fix clouds
fix tongue on animations
fix key frames for animations to remove the "skippyness"
remove hooch
fix colors of weapons to make them stand out better against the character
size down bubba slightly
navigate pause menu with arrows //might be kinda too hard
all sound files are in our game.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wrapping things up
Any process work, sketches, final renders of characters, menus, ect., have been scanned and given to Phil to put in the art bible. The design document is finished for the most part. I want to put the level design flow chart in the design document, but I cannot find a way to cut it up nicely. I can put it in regardless, but the text will be very small and hard to read. They only want to remedy that is to have Lance reconstruct the flow chart to fit vertically so it can span across multiple pages. I like to talk with the group after the critique on Thursday to see if we can fix it or not.
I am going to realign the text in the credits screen for Thursday. Also, if any of you would like to use another contact email address, or have a website you want listed for the website side (no in game), please either post a comment or email me with the correct info.
On the subject of the website, I would like to review a few pieces of art work to put up there as well as something to show in the process section. I have to ask Kim how the process section should be set up and what it includes. As for the Art page, I will set up an art gallery for it.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Level 1 documentation complete!
If you want the original PSD or VSD file let me know through any means you feel.
Attention All
I need all the info needed for the art bible. Give me what you have at your convenience.
Monday, June 28, 2010
home CS4 issues...
Weapons Update
the in game pause menu is up, I don't know if I did it right.
Somebody should check it just to be sure
Saturday, June 26, 2010
GET THEM!!!!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
platforms platforms platforms platforms platforms platforms
Animation Update_v2
We will work over the weekend on it "I don't know about Paul".
Animation Update
After that point, I intend on improving the look of the animations and perhaps add more detail to them. I also will work on tightening up the play length of some of the animations so that gameplay feels fluid, but not too frantic.
The Blog and Website's wedding
To the right of the screen the website is there and on the contact page of the blog it links to the contact page of the Website.
If they get devorced I wonder who will get the China Plates?
Website update
So far that is the framework I am going to be working with. Let me know if you want me to change the layout or something.
Refining Our Weapons
The milestone for me this week will begin with refining our player weapons first. After those weapons are done I'll work on our enemy weapons. I will keep you updated with images and if you see any issues tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.
Trevor's Milestones
Game for download (both PC and Mac)
Ad's (not 100% how to do this exactly, but that will come later)
Credits (our names, email address, and a link to our personal website if you have one)
Story (the story behind our game and character)
Art (one of the following: Character, Enemy, Weapon, Level chunk)
Process (short blurb about how our game progressed from paper prototype to digital)
Gameplay video (still working on this part, but we will either use FRAPS or Jing)
I plan to have a framework of the website up soon for everyone to view. There are a few minor tweaks to the menus that I will doing, mostly alignment.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
U.I. Update 6/24
I have had a rough week as most of you know, but back to business. I will replace the backgrounds on the level select and audio screens. Also I will make the other small changes. Trevor will take care of the slide bar in the audio screen. I am in the process of completing the changes in the art bible for Saturday.
Thank you all for your patience,
Level Design milestones
Saturday: This is probably the most intense of our milestones.
- Fix level one documentation. This includes the following:
- Color code wireframe content (paths, labels etc).
- Create a legend to help explain documentation
- Fix the flowchart (I'll need some pointers, I know I pretty much gotta switch to regular boxes and change the diamons over to the questions (ex: Pick up Shiny? would be in diamond), also word consistancy.)
- Narrow down survey questions so it isn't 30+ questions
- Still more testing
Monday: - Level 2 Flowcharting
- Level 2 Wireframe
- More testing
Tuesday: See Monday's milestone listing.
So I'm open to more advice on the flow chart. I'm still not great at flowcharting but I understand it for the most part.
Ambient back ground sound.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Prototype for 6/24
Let me know if I missed anything.
player outfits do not visibly change
on "changing" outfits, the weapon graphic reverts back to hammer
I did not put Lionell's inventory screen in due to how much we talked ill of it yesterday, and I did not put Perry's weapons in either; for the same reason as the inventory, but also because they were not properly formatted (i.e. black background) If we do want to put these in, let me know soon so I can do it tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday mini critique notes
- More background music options
- Enemy sounds are good
- Health pack 4: cut the end sound
- Change hero die
- Jump is good
- Fix meat cleaver sound (add a little squish to it)
- Shovel sound is good
- Trash can: increase the pitch, add a little resenation
- Flip the win/lose screen's horizontially so that the test is on the other side.
- Shrink level complete and put it near the arrow tip
- Make the bat, shovel, meat cleaver, and meat tenderizer more cartoony
- Make a new weapon to replace the horse shoe
- ADD GRASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Inventory screen in the birdhouse
- Add the house that we used for the shop to the beginning of the level so the tutorials screen makes sense
- Change the platforms completely. They are not working for us. (Sorry Jacob)
- The Trash can looks like a mix of Doric and Ionic columns.
Level Design Team Update
I will be continuing with the wire-frame map of the first level.
As this is mostly documentation, we will have these documents by the critique for thursday!
Not the best day...
Since I might not make class tonight, I'll post my asset png's today to box, but the platform placement and the new trash boxes arnt as simple as dragging new assets into the window. I might try uploading my FLA to my FTP server and I'll see about giving one of you permission to access it, that way you can just copy the movie clip.
anyways... call/text/email me...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Success! and Button tips
I think I may have missed a few thing along the lines of documentation, if someone could point out what I am missing (check the programmer's section on please let me know.
finally; it turns out making a movieclip act like a button is so simple, I don't even need to make a new class or anything! you guys just need to follow a few simple instructions:
1.) label each frame in your future button "_up" "_over" "_down" "_hit"
2.) on the first frame of the button, add the following code (F9):
this.buttonMode = true;
3.) ???
4.) Profit!
Update on stats
I have updated the stat sheet to include the new mini boss/boss character stats as well as revisions on taking out the cannon and such!
Player Stat. Chart.webdoc
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Milestone is complete
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Weapons Update
Quick Question
I am looking forward to revealing as much of the character's animations as possible by tomorrow night.
I do believe that although much work has been done on the game, Kim has been very truthful about how none of us really seem to be able to keep things consistent. I suppose this is all part of the learning process, so as long as we make the effort to make all of the assets, screens, and art styles uniform, I think that is really the best lesson we can take with us from this point. I know that Jake is redoing almost everything this weekend, hopefully he can guide us into that direction.
Milestone update
Friday, June 18, 2010
Trevor UI survey questions
2) Were you able to differentiate between the background and buttons?
3) Did the flow of the menu's make sense? If not, where.
4) Did you ever lose your mouse while navigating? If so, what menu?
5) List all menu's that you found to be too cluttered.
Audio notes from 6-17 for Todd
#1 Ambient - No distinguishable sounds. No words that you can understand.
#2 Attack Swing Miss - Good
#3 Axe Hit - Good
#4 Bat Hit - Good
#5 Enemy Squirrel Dying - Ear piercing... lower pitch (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#6 Enemy Squirrel Get Hit - Same as above (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#7 Enemy Squirrel Laugh - Good
#8 Fall - Good
#9 Fish Hit - Good
#10 Hammer with Tacks - Good
#11 Health - Doesn't fit
#12 Hero Die - Redo (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#13 Hero Get Hit - Redo (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#14 Horseshoe - Shorten it up
#15 Jump2 - NO (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#16 JumpSE - NO (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#17 Jumpsound - NO (record a new sound from someone on the team)
#18 Landing Sound - Make it a tiny bit shorter
#19 Leaf Russel - Good
#20 Meat Cleaver - To short
#21 Meat Tenderizer - Good
#22 Shovel - Shorten the reverb at the end
#23 Sparrow - Bring it down a little bit more
#24 Stick Snap - Good
#25 Trash Can - Shorten it a tiny bit more
#26 Walk on Bench - More work... this one is hard to think of an answer for
#27 Walk on Grass - Still to fast, slow down and cut to only 2 steps
#28 Pick Up - Good
For anything that is looping, like walk sounds or background make sure the sounds fade in the end, that way they will loop well.
If anyone had any different notes feel free to add to mine.
Survey Update
So I'm pretty sure you are all tired of me updating the blog like crazy. But I promise this will be the last post for now. So I'm proud that everyone has gotten their survey questions in on a timely manner. You are all gentlemen and scholars. Now I would wait for Jordan's questions but at this time we don't really have any animations at the moment other than the hammer swing.
As far as obtaining the updated survey, you can use the link from a previous post. But for the lazy minded (meaning all of us) I have the links right here for you guys.
Warnutz! Survey 2
Warnutz! PC version
Trevor: If you can, could you make a mac version of this and upload it to the same location as the Windows version.
Weapons Update by Perry
I really didn't know about our Player weapons not being redone more. I completely care 100% about everything I put into this game so if you guys see any problems with my weapons please tell me so I can redo them.
Let's get this first level complete I know we can do this.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
This is Lionell Questions
Is the characters on the screen too small? How much can you see them?
Do you feel the Main Character's clothing blends too well with the background? What are some ways to fix if?
Do the suits of the character too outrageous? Would you prefer a set theme for the character?
Should there be a uniform that goes to each weapon? Why?/Why not?
Any other commits about the characters regarding style, color, and size?
Weapon Questions by Perry
2. Was it easy to see each weapon collected with our background color?
3. Were our weapons hard to use with our X button as the attack?
4. Did you have any problems finding our weapons?
5. When changing weapons did you know what to press to choose them.
Update on surveys
On another note DO NOT edit the survey files as that very well may throw me off. If you have suggestions throw it in the comments on box and this post so that I can make the required changes if needed. Thanks for taking the time to post your survey questions in a timely manner.
Testing Survey 2
Warnutz! Testing Prototype 2
Interface Questions 6/17
- Does the in-game hud give you enough information?
- Does the inventory screen simplify of complicate item swapping?
- Does the level select screen give you clear direction?
- Is it clear where the buttons are in the level select screen?
- Does the main screen give clear direction of choices?
Survey Questions - Level Design
The survey will be a .doc file (I'd say .docx but not every one has Office 2010). Also we will be testing on the build that was reviewed tonight, I will be uploading the .exe file to the box under the Level Design folder for you guys to link to. Now also as promised here are my questions for the survey.
(Mandatory at this point): Have you played a previous build of the Warnutz! game?
(Another mandatory thing for the end of the survey): Please include your comments, questions, and concerns you may have in regards to the game.
1) Were you able to obtain all the 'shinies' in the level? If not, explain.
2) In terms of health and upgrade pickups, were there any that you felt could be placed better? If so, what item and where? Why do you feel that way?
3) Were there too many enemies in comparison to the number of health packs?
4) In terms of accessibility, were there areas that were too difficult to reach? Areas you wanted to go but couldn't? Explain.
5) In terms of difficulty, how would you rate this level on a scale from 1-10? Explain.
I look forward to seeing everyone's questions and be sure to send out the survey and test when they become fully available.
We can make this game better, we have the skills, we just need to push ourselves further. I for one would like to continue development on this past the term so we can get a full game up.
Also, on a side note: What are we doing for the promotion. Website or box art? Also who would build the website or draw the box art. We should have considered this weeks ago and we're running out of time. We NEED one of those two items.
survey question for audio sound
1. Is the jump sound in the game good or bad?
2. How does the dying sound for both Hero and Enemy good or bad?
3. Health pack pick up sound good or bad?
4. Do you like the shovel hit sound? yes or no
5. Do you like the grass walk sound the hero squirrel make? yes or no
Programming test questions
1.) How responsive does the player character feel
2.) how easy is it to control yourself while in air?
3.) how do you feel about slowing down to attack?
Boura's 5 Questions
#2.... Do you know what the shiney objects are?
#3.... Are there anythings you feel are missing from the background?
#4.... Does the coloring seem consistent?
#5.... Is anything pixelated?
everyone it's document time
jump2 sound file
We have another jump sound file.
Trevor's UI
As for milestones from here on out, we shall be wrapping up the the game as a whole: menus, level design of level one, art, character, programming, ect. After class tomorrow we have just two more weeks. During these two weeks we will also be finalizing the design document and art bible. We also need to get a fully functional, and live website, with ads and I am not sure what else, but I hope to have Kim cover that in class tomorrow (or today since it is technically Thursday now).
On a side note, I was reading this article about how Portal came to be. You may have read it, but if not, I suggest reading it. Here is the link to it: Link
I hope that getting a website together and promoting our game might help us get in the same boat as the guys from Portal.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Porblems of an Ex-Artist
Yesturday Kim stressed the fact that I need to act like an artist. because I only got my grade 10 I don't know what that mean. If anyone knows please tell me.
If I find out that its one of those "Its best if you figure it out for yourself" type of things I'm going to be very upset.
new sound files.
Level 1 nearly done
I do have my doubts however. While we have started work on a second level, I don't think it will be ready by the end of the term which is a bit of a shame because I almost feel that the second level is much better than the first level in that we take advantage of the y axis more than we do in the first level. So for Thursday's critique Max and I are going to be working on the level flowcharts and finalizing them for both of the stages. Also we are going to be editing the stat sheet big time so that there is more challenge. One hit kills with the base weapon is dreadfully boring and defeats any purpose to upgrading your weapon.
On a side note, I feel that picking up an armor boost should automatically fill your health up to a certain point. Let's say you got full HP when you pick up the sherlock outfit, you're health is auto filled. However if you have some damage that will be reflected with the upgrade.
ex: Nerd HP = 8/10 ---> upgrade to nerd ---> HP = 18/20
That way, players aren't wasting their health pickups on restoring health that they didn't actually lose during combat.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tue critique 6/15
These are the notes from the critique today with Kim.
Fix death animation for the character(lag after health reach zero)
Correct Boss label (flip inverted)
Tone down art style, too cartoony
Update weapon asset list
Loop sounds and keep length to no more than 3 minutes.
Shorten ring on the shovel sound.
Get rid of second thud on the landing sound.
Jump sound becomes the health sound.
Shorten the walking on leaves sound.
Shorten the trash can landing to one thud.
Shorten bench sound and loop.
Speed up and shorten grass sound.
Learn to become an artist ( per Kim, sorry)
Use the IK bone system in flash for animations.
Change the XXX on the moonshine bottles (maybe skull with crossbones)
Slowdown scroll on the credit screen and change text color.
Move logos to the right and move the scroll text to the left. (logos look of the page)
Make Team logo more transparent to blend with background.
Align the text, boxes, and items on the inventory screen.
Move the create box to the right square of the in-game hud.
Finish text in boxes for the items of invntory screen.
Redo the text on the Option screen .
Move the back button on the level select screen.
Everyone except Paul
Documentation for your area.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Option Screen Update 6/14
Now that graduation is over, lets get back to business. The problem I ran into with the option screen is what can we give the player control of. The scroll bar for the audio was my initial idea. But after talking it over with Paul, he says that it may not be possible to get it to work in time. So instead of wasting time on the scroll bar, lets put our time into making the rest of the game better. So thinking of what we can give the player control of, I thought of turning the audio on and off with buttons. I was considering using a cheat code addition if we had enough time to give the player more of a fun factor. Paul had one created for the first prototype and could possibly create another. Other than that, I don't know what other choices we can make available to the player to increase the funativity. We as a team need to review and make a decision.
Thanks, see you all Tue
Because me and Jordon did not get together over the weekend, the animations aren't done. We haven't even started jet.
I just letting you guys know.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hello Everyone ;) by Perry
sound files June 11,2010
This week in review
We also went over the new level design flow for the first level, and looked a few concepts. The new level concepts are interesting, but we should leave out have the squirrel "swim" as that would be a lot of work and it would also add a whole new game mechanic.
In regards to the menus, the tutorials are fully in the game and win / lose screens are in as a framework right now. I have to shorten and spell check the tutorials screen text. The tutorials screen is coded and fully working. Additionally the Lose screen is also coded and working. I would have liked to add the win condition if the player was to collect all of the shinnies just as a framework right now. I know that the actual win condition would be when when player defeats the main boss.
This is a list of everything that will be in-game by this upcoming Thursday:
- Sounds
- Pick-up
- Jump
- Land
- Walk on grass
- Background
- U.I.
- Win/lose (in-game now, but lose is the only one that works)
- Credits
- Inventory
- Level Select
- Level Design
- Level 1 finalized
- Level 2 block-in
- Characters
- All Trevor (main character)
- Cletus (little enemy)
- Weapons
- All enemy weapons
- Programming
- Animation system done
- Slider bar framework (for sound volumes)
- Win/Lose conditions (partially done since I have added the lose screen)
- All Boss AI
That is everything that must be in the game by this upcoming Thursday. If anything cannot be put in the game by Thursday, we have until Wednesday to change the milestones. Please let everyone know, either by email or blog post if a milestone has to be changed.
Jake's Milestones
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Game update
However, I have run in to a problem with the the lose screen. It comes up and everything, but it's spits out a really weird error that does not make sense to me. This version of the game is in Kim's drop box called prototype_trevor_6_10-1 or something like that. One last thing, I did clean up the library a bit, and nothing seems to have magically disappeared when I did that. If something did, Paul's version is in Kim's drop box as well.
I will post a recap of this week sometime tomorrow when I am more awake and can think straight.
Inventory Update 6/10
I forgot to upload my inventory screen to box, sorry. The idea is to keep it simple like the last shop screen. When a character gains a weapon, it goes into the inventory slot. This also applies to the armor upgrades. The inventory screen will allow the player to view and change all available weapons and armor as they see fit. At the bottom of the screen is the shinnies counter. When the player defeats a boss, they will collect a shinny. When the player collects all four shinnies, the level is complete. The appropriate shinny will go into the correct box. For example, if the player skips the first boss and beat the second boss, the second shinny will highlight in the menu. The artist still have to make it pretty, but this is my design.
Everyone go to under the U.I. folder and take a look.