

Friday, June 18, 2010

Survey Update

Hello again,

So I'm pretty sure you are all tired of me updating the blog like crazy. But I promise this will be the last post for now. So I'm proud that everyone has gotten their survey questions in on a timely manner. You are all gentlemen and scholars. Now I would wait for Jordan's questions but at this time we don't really have any animations at the moment other than the hammer swing.

As far as obtaining the updated survey, you can use the link from a previous post. But for the lazy minded (meaning all of us) I have the links right here for you guys.

Warnutz! Survey 2

Warnutz! PC version

Trevor: If you can, could you make a mac version of this and upload it to the same location as the Windows version.


  1. Lance, to make a mac version, just go File -> Publish Settings or something like that. One of the check boxes is for Macintosh Projection (.app). I will make it, but you have to tell me where to upload the file to.

  2. Nice job Lance. I will print out the question on Saturday at the school.

  3. Hey guys what would be the best way to get our attachments to people because the file is so large. Since Lance and Max have the experience with testing maybe they could give me some tips?

  4. Go to the Level Design folder on box then drop the stuff in test exe's.

    Perry, We're not emailing the actual game. We created a .exe and a .app for windows and mac users respectively. You send them the link to that in a message, or attach those files. That way they can just launch the game without having access to our developmental stuff.

    The Windows version is linked in my post I made.
