

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Survey Questions - Level Design

As you know due to me stressing the fact. I want you all to have some questions together before the end of the day tomorrow (tonight preferably). Five per group or individual. more questions are always welcome. I will be composing the full survey tomorrow night and sending it out as well to those I can get to test.

The survey will be a .doc file (I'd say .docx but not every one has Office 2010). Also we will be testing on the build that was reviewed tonight, I will be uploading the .exe file to the box under the Level Design folder for you guys to link to. Now also as promised here are my questions for the survey.

(Mandatory at this point): Have you played a previous build of the Warnutz! game?

(Another mandatory thing for the end of the survey): Please include your comments, questions, and concerns you may have in regards to the game.

1) Were you able to obtain all the 'shinies' in the level? If not, explain.

2) In terms of health and upgrade pickups, were there any that you felt could be placed better? If so, what item and where? Why do you feel that way?

3) Were there too many enemies in comparison to the number of health packs?

4) In terms of accessibility, were there areas that were too difficult to reach? Areas you wanted to go but couldn't? Explain.

5) In terms of difficulty, how would you rate this level on a scale from 1-10? Explain.


I look forward to seeing everyone's questions and be sure to send out the survey and test when they become fully available.

We can make this game better, we have the skills, we just need to push ourselves further. I for one would like to continue development on this past the term so we can get a full game up.

Also, on a side note: What are we doing for the promotion. Website or box art? Also who would build the website or draw the box art. We should have considered this weeks ago and we're running out of time. We NEED one of those two items.

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