

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Game update

I took it upon myself to add a few menus to the game and code them to work. I have added the tutorial screen to the game and have coded it to work. Right now there are the controls, collecting, and objective parts on the tutorial screen are all on the same screen, but it's one big mess of text. I have to go back and fix that to make it cleaner. I have also added the framework for the win and lose screens. Additionally, I have coded the lose screen to come up as I was unable to figure out how to have the win screen come up after collecting all three golden nuts (soon to be shinnies).

However, I have run in to a problem with the the lose screen. It comes up and everything, but it's spits out a really weird error that does not make sense to me. This version of the game is in Kim's drop box called prototype_trevor_6_10-1 or something like that. One last thing, I did clean up the library a bit, and nothing seems to have magically disappeared when I did that. If something did, Paul's version is in Kim's drop box as well.

I will post a recap of this week sometime tomorrow when I am more awake and can think straight.

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