

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Trevor's UI

The win and lose screen frameworks are in the game. I have given Paul the credits screen framework to put in the game. I will be editing the credits screen to fit the rule of thirds better, or just redo it using another early sketch. I have determind the setting for the credits screen though. I am going to use the archway in the first level as the area where the credits will scroll. I am still toying with where to put the team project and game logo's though.

As for milestones from here on out, we shall be wrapping up the the game as a whole: menus, level design of level one, art, character, programming, ect. After class tomorrow we have just two more weeks. During these two weeks we will also be finalizing the design document and art bible. We also need to get a fully functional, and live website, with ads and I am not sure what else, but I hope to have Kim cover that in class tomorrow (or today since it is technically Thursday now).

On a side note, I was reading this article about how Portal came to be. You may have read it, but if not, I suggest reading it. Here is the link to it: Link

I hope that getting a website together and promoting our game might help us get in the same boat as the guys from Portal.

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