

Monday, June 21, 2010

Success! and Button tips

I got my stuff done as per the awesome chart Lionell provided; fixed the AI bug, made bosses drop shiny things made the health scale when you switch outfits (POSSIBLE GAME EXPLOIT: take damage in a high-health outfit; switch to a low-health outfit to heal), made the health numbers display on the hud, along with the shiny count.

I think I may have missed a few thing along the lines of documentation, if someone could point out what I am missing (check the programmer's section on please let me know.

finally; it turns out making a movieclip act like a button is so simple, I don't even need to make a new class or anything! you guys just need to follow a few simple instructions:

1.) label each frame in your future button "_up" "_over" "_down" "_hit"
2.) on the first frame of the button, add the following code (F9):

this.buttonMode = true;

3.) ???
4.) Profit!


1 comment:

  1. Kind of an interesting glitch you got going on there. But the fact that enemies now drop stuff is great. You'll have to show Max and I how that works so we can implement that into the level
