

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I had also run into some issues and also apologize for the late post, but I will post and... hm. Well I don't know what much to talk about other than... Yes, it is clear that I have a lot of work myself in order to get the game looking anywhere near its final stage, as the animation is an integral part of the fun and feel of the game.

I am looking forward to revealing as much of the character's animations as possible by tomorrow night.

I do believe that although much work has been done on the game, Kim has been very truthful about how none of us really seem to be able to keep things consistent. I suppose this is all part of the learning process, so as long as we make the effort to make all of the assets, screens, and art styles uniform, I think that is really the best lesson we can take with us from this point. I know that Jake is redoing almost everything this weekend, hopefully he can guide us into that direction.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad she told us the brutal truth because I'd rather have someone say that the stuff I'm doing needs alot of work and is crap. Then somebody saying it looks great but I need the truth or when it comes to the time of the final the project would suffer from this.
