

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Paul Postmortem

These past 21 weeks have been a real journey for us all and I am no exception.

Once we were sure that we were going to make our game as a Flash-platformer; I knew that I would be able to do my best to push the technology behind the game to do something truly interesting. I was easily able to get a base system in place in order to allow everyone to be able to start getting things into the game as soon as they were ready. Also, the majority of my milestones were a large amount of smaller steps; at least when I knew how I was going to approach the situation, and these small steps eventually formed a massive 10-story spiraling staircase.

while most of my weekly updates were a culmination of many smaller fixes, many times I felt overwhelmed and I couldn't get to start to work on some upgrades I had planned for the game from the very beginning. If I could do some things differently, I would have been better about utilizing my spare time to squeeze out some more work on this game.

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