

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Uploads to box

The additions to the level are finished and ready to be uploaded. However I don't want to risk the files integrity at this moment due to power outages so they'll be available when I get to the school. As far as platform placement goes, I'll take a look at that however, I want to test the level using the space bar as the jump button instead of the W key. I think that many players have trouble with that because of the reaction time when it comes to jumping. I myself constantly try hitting the space bar instead of the W key resulting in botched jump attempts.

Lastly I don't think that the fence itself would be a viable platform. It would potentially take alot of the challenge out of the level as the player can just climb on the fence and be able to reach all the primary resources easily. If we do follow through with that I have a few remedies to what Jake brought up in a comment. How would the player get down to ground level? Well there's the possibility of being able to hold down for a short period to fallthrough (such as in Mario) or a down jump. Another possibility would be that if the player wants down to ground level they'll have to go to one of the actual gate openings to fall down.

1 comment:

  1. My view has changed as to using the fence for a platform. I initially only thought of how to get up better and the fence seemed like a good idea t the time.
