

Friday, May 28, 2010

The results are in

After gathering all the play test data, the whiteboard was filled with issues from it. Thought the list had some repetition of issues, it was enough to convince us we had to change our game to fit the target market. Personally, I will say that we have all done well in getting our mechanic to work, from the paper prototype, to the digital prototype.

Now we know that the mechanic is solid enough, we have started to add a story, better objectives, and better goals. We have taken out the cannon upgrade all together. The shop is no longer part of the level, but will be made a part of a pause menu instead. Bosses and mini bosses will be added, as well as health packs, upgrades, and items. All of theses changes effect everyone, some more than others. I think this is really a first new iteration of the game as a whole.

Christian Allen said that we learn game design by failing at it. We made our ideas, our reasons to support them, and we stood behind our reasons, daring the testers to prove our reasons wrong. In the end, the testers proved us wrong. In a way we failed, but not to the extent that will kill our game completely. Our only failure was not testing our game sooner.

Now we know why testing is important. If we test the next iteration of our game the same way we did, we will have as many, if not more, results we can use and move forward with. We are going to take what we learned, take the test results, and bring our game to the level that the target market wants! We will not falter in our ventures!

I believe in everyone on this team! I know we will make this game successful!

I am still working on updating the flowchart for the U.I. changes. When it is done, it will be up on box.

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