

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello Everyone by Perry

I noticed a huge difference in our game when I changed it to 15 FPS. I know our speed before was super fast but at 15 FPS you can barely swing your weapon. I checked it at 20, 24, 29 and if we had to choose one of of these speeds I don't think 15 FPS will work for us. Maybe we should at the very least use 20 FPS for our weapons sake. We really need to vote about this but you need to at least see with your own eyes before making a judgement.


  1. Perry, which of the three speeds (20, 24, 29) made the game smooth and flow better to you? Personally I think that 24 should be fast enough for us. If we really notice performance issues, then we should up it to 30. Whatever the decision, we have to let Jordan know for animation purposes.

  2. Dont approach it from this angle, if the animations are slow and stuff, its because they were dont at 60 fps, not because 15 wont work. They all need to be redone, thats all. Keep it 15 and adjust everything else.

  3. 24 FPS would work from what I saw.

  4. I think 24 FPS would be fine, But also remember, that just adds more animation work to Jordan as he'll have to do more frames of animation.
