

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Main Menu update

I have started on getting the new Main Menu into Flash. It is still a work in progress. I am using a previous Main Menu idea that I have and have made some thumbnails to make it better. Also, the font size has changed for readability, but the font type will remain the same. The one thing I must admit is that I have not followed the process exactly. However, I fine it better to visualize and see it in Flash, then go back to drawing and make the interface better.

In the end, the process will show correctly and will be put in to the art bible. There is two small request I have:

Jacob: I believe you have the most recent (version 11) of the design document. Can you please post that on box?

Lionell: I need the Warnutz title/logo so I can added it to the Main Menu please? Put it in the UI folder under Menu's and label it "Main Menu Title".

There is one objective I have this term and that it to keep organized. That being said, I have made folder for everyone to post their stuff. Up on box is a file called "Follow the box rules". I think this will make box more efficient. Feel free to update it if you think it would work better another way. I am not trying to confuse anyone with it, just trying to keep thing organized and easy to find for everyone.

Since we have to look at the big picture from now on, personally I would like to have all of the menus to have a framework at the very least. The design of the in-game screen is good, we just need to make it all pretty.

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