

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Main Menu overhaul

Since last term, I had decided to redo the Main Menu design. The initial design was to have a birds eye view, but due to the perspective and design of it, I changed it to be top down. As time went on, the level assets and art style clashed with the main menu design. I have now designed a new interface for the main menu with some critiquing throughout the design process.

I spent a good amount of time coloring the menu to fit with the rest of the game. This was achieved with great success, at least in my opinion, from the color style guide.

The main menu, as well as the credits and shop screen, where the three menus needed for this milestone. The shop is completed, with a few minor things being added. As for the credits screen, it is a basic framework for now and shall be revisited.

We have about a week and a half before interfaces. There is the options screen, and tutorials screen that still need to be designed. Between Phil and myself, I feel it would be best to at least come up with the framework for those menus to show that we have thought about the design of the menus.

For the shop and wind/lose screens, I think that they should fade-in while dimming the background. I believe that this would alert and shift the players attention to the new screen so they do not try and continue to move the character around.

In the next version of our game, I would really like to have the space bar be the jump button. I find it hard, even in the new version of the prototype, to make some of the jumps.

 During class on Tuesday, there was multiple people with the "current" version of our prototype. At one point in time, the new level clashed with the old one, and I believe that it caused some issues after that. I am trying to think of a way to better streamline the process of getting our parts in to the game. The only thought that comes to mind is to have one computer with the current prototype on it and open. This way anyone can have access to it to make the necessary changes without trying to merge two or more flash files.

Last but not least, I have seen and read the audio document that contains the sounds and a description of where they will be used. I have not seen a sound prototype of any kind yet as stated in the milestone list from last week. Hopefully that sound prototype will be there when we present on Thursday.