

Sunday, May 30, 2010

thoughts on the new level

I have taken a look at the new level design Max has posted. After looking at it, the level seems to flow "straight" and not so much up and down. I think this has more to do with the face the all the bosses are on the ground. I do not think the player will be inclined to go up at all and collect the health at all.

Also I have noticed that there are no upgrade locations. Additionally, I am not sure if the player will be able to jump over the trash can. If they cannot, the the player cannot move beyond the first section of the level.

I have a thought to the health pack though. Based on the current placement and level flow, the player may collect more health than they need. My suggestion is to make the health packs part of the inventory. In turn, this will have to be added to the main menu HUD so the player will know how many they have. Additionally, the health packs will be used via a hot key so the player and apply the health pack as they see fit.

One other thing to possibly add to the HUD is a little indicator to let the player know that they have something new in the backpack / inventory.


  1. in regards to the health packs... I was thinking they could be more of a "enemy drop" when you killed them... because you dont need health if you havent been hit.... also... BORING the bosses are all on the ground...

  2. The new level confuses the hell out of me... I think reusing old assets for the test is strange... I have a hard time stand on a birdhouse that is 20x larger then the fence below it... I know you were just reusing the old stuff to make this work, but maybe some simple colored boxes might have been less distracting.
