

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Level update and test versions

I have just uploaded a new version of the level in .exe format. The source files are too large now to be uploaded to box. I will bring them with me on Tuesday. There is one major flaw I noticed, and this is the Interfaces build. When I added the enemies and items back in, they were not obtainable or fightable, if that's even a word.

So I have uploaded this build to box under the level design prototype folder and the survey is under the level design survey folder.



A solution would be nice, the sooner the better.


  1. I can't get up to the third and fourth level of the second tree. The platform is too high.

  2. If the "level" has changed that much then things need to be added and jump placement needs to be adjusted... IF THE UNREACHABLE PLACES ARE BECAUSE OF THE SUIT ISSUE... as in, if the jumps arnt makeable because you have to be the scholar, then paul will have to adjust the jump distance when the player is in that suit.

  3. Were going to need you gents. help on polishing the new level design for Tuesday. We are in the testing phase and have the questioner good to go, so we could hunt some people down the second half of the class for testing purposes after we get the functionality squared away!

  4. I'm able to make it just fine up those platforms you described Trevor. But it may be because I was standing still at the moment. The game lags too much on my computer making it harder to judge jump times so I usually have to stand still to do any sort of jumping.
