

Monday, May 17, 2010


Ok... we ran into a small issue, but that doesn't mean that the entire world has to come to an end and we have to remake the entire game over night. 

The Issue: 
Movie clips can only be so long and our level is longer....

Simple Solution:
Use multiple movie clips to create the level...

We DO NOT need to change anything about the design or the gameplay out side of platform placement at this point.  And platform placement MIGHT be fine right now... we dont know because we need the prototype with the bigger assets working before we can find out. 

Everyone take a deep breath and relax.  I know this is putting LOTS of stress on Max and Lance because they were in the middle of their milestone when this hit.  But now we have a solution we can start working towards. 

The Changes:
What this DOES change are a few peoples milestones.  Because of this issue,

Max and Lance are going to need a few more days to hit their milestones.

Without a functioning prototype, Phil and Trevor cant put their new menu's ingame.

Perry and Lionell cant test out their new artwork in game

Todd cant check to see if his sounds give us the right feel yet.

Paul wont be able to test his AI and the character swapping

and with the delay, we might not be able to do a team critique on Tuesday in an attempt to fix things before the REAL critique on Thursday.

Take a deep breath and relax.  It isnt the end of the world.  Paul, Max and Lance need to work together to fix the issue and once that functioning prototype is working again, then EVERYONE will be happy and we can go back to being happy.  BUT... that prototype should be top priority right now...


  1. Laugh My Ass Off!!! Thanks for summarizing it! I especially like the "happy" part!

    It looks like Lance and I will be working on Tuesday if we can't hammer something out today!

  2. I now have a fix that buys us twice as much space in the level's movieclip

  3. Thanks for getting the fix Paul. Jake, it was not my intention to cause everyone to panic, but simply make everyone aware of the issue and offer solutions.

  4. Wow I understand and I am not worry. It will get fix.

  5. sorry I wasnt trying to mock anyone or anything like that. I was just trying to keep us calm... after talking to a few people I was worried that everyone was freakin out... and I find when I freak out (due to a huge work load or etc) I just need to take a step back and relax... no personal attacks here :P
