

Friday, May 14, 2010

color changes

I've had to change a lot about the art assets I've done... the biggest challenge I'm having right now is my indecision... I can't decide if the assets I'm doing look good or not... so please check them out on Box and give me your instant feedback...

I'm NOT pleased with the fence but I'm using "reddish" colors without going super saturated and vivid...


  1. ok... I've been working since 12 on the new assets (other classes from 9-12) but I'm going to take a break now... i have 10 of the 20 assets DONE... resized, re...resolutionized... and recolored... I'll finish up the rest tonight but I need a break... (6pm right now)

  2. yeah, I'm not sure I like the new color of the fence. All the other ones you have done look alright! I will take a look at how everything fits together tomorrow at the school. So have all the asset done by tomorrow I guess.

  3. Additionally, I think all the pink looking colors are HORRIBLE!

  4. Yeah I agree... I dont like it either... I was trying to stay with the color pallette, but i think I'm going to have to pick a brown or something... I wish we could have kept the old colors, for the trees at least... the new ones dont look terrible, but they arnt half as nice looking as the originals...
