

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The week ahead

On Thursday, 3/18/10, our group finalized the mechanics for our game. Everyone was required to before class to come up with on new mechanic that we could add to our game. Paul and Max were able to append a tie break rule to our first rule. Most of the other ideas that the group came up with were too complicated to add to the paper prototype, but we are keeping track of them so if we need to add something to our digital game, we can dig up these ideas.

Our Design Document is due this upcoming thursday, 3/25/10. I had told everyone what parts are needed in the design document, and everyone took the parts that they wanted. Everyone agreed to have their part done by this Tuesday, 3/23/10. This way we can go over the design document, check for spelling and grammar, make sure the the document is set up in order, and hopefully practice for our presentation on Thursday.

The target market research is almost done. I am just hoping that I have done the research right. For anyone who has taken User Interface, I am using the notes I took from that class and the slides Kim gave us as my basis. I plan to have that done by the end of today and how our game is unique.

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