

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trevor week 6

The group as a whole has done a lot of work contributing to the Design Document. There are some pieces that still need to be added to the official document. Our second greenlight is tomorrow, 3/25. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for all of us. It determines if we can continue with our current plan and process. A red light tomorrow will hurt us greatly, though I do not see that happening to us. We ARE Team Inside Voice! We WILL be victorious! Everyone WILL be excited, great, awesome, and ready! I do not want anyone to say that they are fine. You know what fine stands for? Freak out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. Well that is what they say in the Movie Italian Job, and our presentation will be as successful as their heist in the movie.

A few reminders for everyone:
1) If anyone has made any changes to their parts of the design document, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!!

2) The dress code is as follows: White shirt, Tie, Black pants, Black Shoes, Black Socks.

3) If you don't have a class or any other pressing matters to attend to, please be in room 233.

4) In reference to number 3, THERE IS A 4:00PM MEETING IN 233!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.1) In reference to number 3, THERE IS A 4:00PM MEETING IN 233!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.2) In reference to number 3, THERE IS A 4:00PM MEETING IN 233!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.3) In reference to number 3, THERE IS A 4:00PM MEETING IN 233!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.4) In reference to number 3, THERE IS A 4:00PM MEETING IN 233!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5) During the meeting references in number 3 and 4, we should practice our presentation as many times as possible. We should also try to think of questions that we might be asked either during, or after our presentation.

6) If we are asked a question, and it is something that we have not discussed yet, just say "That is not something we have talked about yet". That way, or at least in my logic, we do sound professional, and do not have an "argument" during our presentation.

I'll leave it at that for now

1 comment:

  1. I agree that if we don't have an answer to one of the many questions we'll be asked that we mention that we haven't discussed that specific object.
