

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lance Progress Update for Week 4

So it seems that the group has finally settled on mechanics and rules for at least the paper prototype. Several iterations have been made with new rules being added, and others being removed. We've even set up roles for each member of the team. My job over the next several weeks is to work as one of the level designers. Over the next week or so I'll be working on several concepts for things like the tutorial levels. Not only that I'll also be creating several levels that are a little more advanced so that the player may see some challenge as they play the game.

So far my goals for the next week of class include research, concept work, and make sure that I myself fully understand and comprehend the games mechanics and it's rules that we've set forth. As far as the research goes that includes environmental research by locating images found on the internet and just walking around my neighborhood and getting various snapshots to help with inspiration for the level designs. Also I need to get notes gathered together comparing the final build we're aiming for and what we currently have right now. Overall the main goal we're all aiming for is to get a complete design document finished and polished for our second greenlight.

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