

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday's Game Recap from Perry

The game we worked on thursday has a mechanic for destroying the opponents homebase.

1st Roll dice the high the number the more supplies
The pieces used in game cost 2 for Attacker
cost 3 for Defender
You have the option of holding some of your points for the future turns.

Place either attacker or defender in front of base/tree and to protect tree from the opponents
Continue rolling dice until one player's tree is destroyed.

Both players need to roll when a battle is encountered. The player that is attacking the defender piece needs to roll twice the value of it or the defender successfully protects itself. If two attackers encounter each other they'll both disappear from the battlefield. So once you remove all the pieces from the front of the tree you'll begin taking points from it becoming closer to winning this game. Defeat the tree 3 times will make you the victor.

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