

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trevor 3/9/10

Today we have gotten our official game that we will be making for then next two terms. We will be assigning roles for our group as well as making a paper prototype, writing a design document, and setting our milestones for the upcoming weeks.

This process is new to all of us. Many of us really just like to start working on stuff and not think through the process of what really goes in to a game. I myself am guilty of this. It is very difficult to have to think of how to make the game fun for other people and not ourselves.

Tonight we hashed away at ideas to make the original pitch better and refine it more. Once we got our main mechanic and goal down, we had to come up with a list of rules. From that we have to get our target market defined. This is going to be one long process. The nice thing about doing this through all the steps is that we get first hand experience of what really goes in to making an original game idea and how hard it is to make it fun and interesting.


  1. Doah! Sorry, I didn't mean to diminish your post, when I started typing, yours wasn't up yet. I was just trying to spark some brainstorming on our off day.... I failed...

  2. Hahah... Jake. Such a character.

    Anyhow, I concur. Trevor knows what he's talking about here, and I'm glad to have someone like him on our team. Team InsideVoice!
