

Sunday, March 14, 2010

JoPhilli's Detailed Prototype Recap

Alright, so here's what I remember from Thursday night:

In terms of our raw prototype, the gameplay goes as follows:

Gathering items, in this case we are speaking of one resource which is yet to be defined. I think we are just calling it Food for now.
The other mechanic we are working on is Attacking/Defending which relies on the Gather mechanic to be successful.

Destroy the opposing Tree.


Each Tree has 3 Life Points (Branches)

When an Attacker reaches a Tree, it receives one damage token.

When 20 Food resources are accrued, the Nut Cannon is fired and any remaining resources spill over toward the next shot.

When a Nut Cannon is fired, the opposing Tree receives one damage token.

When a player's Tree has received 3 damage tokens, they lose the game.

Attacker units must roll more than twice as high as the Defender units in combat in order to win. E.G.: Defender rolls 2, Attacker MUST roll a 5 or 6. In the event of a tie, for example if the Attacker rolled a 4, then there will be an extra tie-breaking round where simply the highest roll wins (no multipliers.)

Example of a tie round:
Defender rolls 3. Attacker rolls a 6 (the highest possible roll) and the result is a tie. Then, the Defender rolls a 4 and the Attacker rolls a 5. Attacker wins the round.

Game flow:

Two players roll dice to see who starts the game.
Each player is in control of a Tree which they must defend.

First Phase (Gather):
A 6-sided die is rolled, the number is then recorded and added to that player's current resource pile.

Second Phase (Attack):
The player whom is taking their turn is automatically the Attacker. The other player is the Defender.
Player 1 rolls their Attack die and gets a 5. Player 2 is the Defender and rolls a 3, which is multiplied by 2 and becomes a 6. Player 2 has successfully defended and it is now their turn.

Change of turns:
When a player's Attack phase is over (they attack only once,) it is the other player's turn and they commence their Gather Phase.

Again, when a player reaches 20 or more resources their cannon fires, the other tree takes damage. When a player's tree takes 3 damage, they lose. Simple!

I believe that is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. And just to clarify, if the Attacker defeats the Defender in a roll, then the Attacker "reaches" the tree and destroys 1 Branch, AKA the enemy tree receives one damage token.

    Both the Cannon and Attacker do equal damage.

    My observations during testing has been that the Cannon is more likely to damage the enemy tree than an Attack roll.
