- No Blood
- Cartoon Violence (Tom and Jerry, Loony Toons, ect.)
- Upgrade system (This will be further discussed and developed on)
- Bigger levels to provide more of a challenge to the player
- Player will carry the cannon. The cannon is NOT part of the tree anymore
Now on to other pressing matter. I have moved stuff around on box.net. Everything that has happened up to and including Greenlight 2 is in a folder called "Everything before greenlight 2". So if we need anything old, that is where it will be.
A folder called "Design Document Versions" is where all of the design documents will be kept. If you download a design document and edit it, please make sure that you upload a NEW design document with a new version number. Always use the most recent design document unless otherwise stated.
All the Artist, Level Designers, User Interface, and Programming people have their own folders to upload their parts too. Inside them are two folders, one called Sketches and another called Finalized. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THE FINALIZED FOLDER UNLESS EVERYONE HAS AGREED ON IT!
I have also made a folder called "Working Prototypes". This is where all of the working prototypes go. Never post a broken or non working game in here. If it works, put it here so that we can go back to it if something goes wrong. Any and all working prototypes should be put in a ZIP folder before uploading. Label the file "warnutz_working_prototype_vX.zip" where X is the current version number.
In the upcoming weeks when we start adding stuff in to the actual game, we will have to come up with a good way to streamline the process.
There is a lot to be done in the upcoming weeks so let's get to it!
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