

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Recap on paper prototype..

Just to recap on what the team ended with on Thursday. Working title "Squirrel Wars" in its paper prototype; fifth iteration. A game of two players, opposing squirrel armies aim to destroy each others tree bases and collect resources to fund the primary cannon and conscript attackers, defenders, and resource gatherers.

Step 1: Players roll to see who goes first.

Step 2: Player going first makes a resource roll and the score is recorded.

Step 3: Same player makes an attack roll.

Step 4: Defending player makes a defense roll.

(A successful attack on the enemy base requires a roll of two higher than the defender to score a hit on the base, apply a damage counter if attack succeeds.)

Step 5: The round is over and the other player starts "Step 1."

(Players may fire the base cannon when 20 resource units are gathered, defender cannot defend the shot and a damage marker is placed on his/her base)

(The game is over when a player inflicts 3 damages on the main base of the opposing player)

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