

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I'll try to keep it simple, because in my experience, I ramble and make things more confusing then they need to be.

There are two teams; each team has a tree with 3 "branches".

The game takes place in rounds. Only one team attacks in each round. And the attacking team gets to roll for "resources".

Before the game starts, both teams roll a die, and high number goes first.

The rounds go as follows

Roll 1:
The attacking team rolls for their resources. Resources are cumulative, and upon reaching 20, that team can fire their super awesome fun cannon of boomy goodness. Instantly breaking one of the 3 branches on the other team’s tree. When the cannon is fired, the 20 resources disappear.

After the resource roll, the game enters the combat phase.

Roll 2:
The defending team rolls, and their roll represents how many defenders they have that round.

Roll 3:
The attacking team rolls and attempts to get more then DOUBLE the defender's roll. It takes 2 attackers to kill one defender, hence the necessity to DOUBLE the other team's roll. If the attackers more then double the defender's roll, then the attackers move on and break a branch on the tree.
In the case of an exact double, the team enters the "high roll" contest. And the high roll wins. If the attackers win, they break a branch... If the defenders win, they successfully push the attackers back.

After the 3rd roll, the teams switch, and the defending team becomes the attacking team.

The game ends when one team breaks all 3 branchs off the other teams' tree.

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