

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Look it's yet another mechanic recap!

After a good amount of time was spent deliberating on what our game mechanic will be as well as our rule set. So now you get to read about our mechanic for the umpteenth time!

Mechanic: Our mechanic in one word is to gather. What you're gathering is food for your squirrel army. Not only that but you want to gather enough food (20 pieces) to fire your tree cannon at the opposing tree thus damaging it. Now there are a few rules or processes that you have to go through.

First of all right now all gameplay moves are determined by the roll of a die or two. First both players have to roll to see who gets first move, highest wins. Once this is determined the player who gets to go first will throw one die and that determines how many resources they get at the beginning of their turn, with a max of 6. The player can spend those resources any way they want, or save them. They have two unit choices as of right now, the attacker, and the defender. Attackers cost two resource units while defenders cost three resource units.

Once the player has finished setting up their units they now have an option to battle, depending on if they sent out attack units. Here's where things get a little complicated.Attackers automatically kill each other. But if Player 1 has an attacker and Player 2 has a defender then they both role a die each. The attacker has to roll double what the defense rolled to at least tie. More if they want to succeed. In the event of a tie the players will then throw for highest number and that will continue in the event of more ties. If the attacker wins they proceed to damage the tree one of three times. If the attacker fails then the attacker is removed from the game.

Now if the player manages to gather 20 resources then they can fire the tree cannon. The tree cannon passes all enemies on the ground and automatically damages the enemy tree for one. If a tree takes three hits then that player loses.

There is a good chance that there will be more content added to the game in the long run but for now that's where our current iteration stands.

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