

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4:00pm meeting 3/18/10

Trevor, Max, Lance, Paul, Perry, Phil met at 4:00pm today to discuss a new or revised mechanic for our game. The ideas have been posted to the gallery and they are the last 12 pictures in the set. Take a look at them to get an idea of what we discussed.

As for the target market research, we really need to determine before class is over tonight whether we are going to do a destructive or constructive game. Depending on what we choose to go with will drastically determine the target market we are aiming for.

I do not want to spend a long time on which target market we are going to aim for because we really need to divide up who is doing what part of the design document.


  1. I think we should put it to a vote and call it final. The longer we wait, the less work we can get done. I would prefer the target market that includes the 35 year old moms that are interested in "going green", but work a lot and use casual games to de-stress.

    With that target market, we should take the game in a "building" direction. Instead of breaking down opponents, you "spread" your forest or what not.

  2. I like our final decisions for the mechanics and gameplay. I'm just slightly sad that the lumberjacks won't be in the game... Oh well. If it's for the better of the game, then so be it.

  3. I agree completely with this post. I feel that it's time to start hammering down, but we have to place the nail first. Let's place the damn nail, start hammerin' that shit. Simple. Go.

    I vote on going GREEN. It's all the rage right now and it sells. If we can show the professionals that we are willing to go commercial, then that's what will impress. No one expects a group of 10 guys to make a female-oriented game. We got this shit, down PAT.

    Simple. Go.
