

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trevor greenlight post mortem.

For my first time doing a presentation at this level was a little nerve racking but it was fun to pitch and original idea. i can honestly say that i had a lot more i wanted to say and had everything in my head that i wanted to say, but as soon as i started talking, everything decided that it was going to run for the hills.

I am really bough in to Phil's and my game idea. However, there are some aspect of the concept document that do need to be changed. Our target market for one and how the player wins for another. I will say that our target market can be scaled down to the maybe the ages of 6-10. The reason i have cut it back to this is that in elementary school, kids like to go out and play tag. Now if we completely remove the whole burn the tree and Molotov idea, and just make it a basic 3D multiplayer snowball fight. We would keep the scoring system so that players would get points based on how many times that they hit another player on the opposing team. We could even up the age a bit to allow the players to build snow cannons to destroy forts of that liking. This age range would be 13-19.

Now based on how much time we have, I think the scope, or what we can have completed in 16 weeks, for the project would be to have a small and mid-sized map for playing, a fort, cannon, throwing instead of shooting in torque, character concepts that fit the player age range, a place to stock up on snow balls or even an animation that shows the player picking up snow balls wherever, psudo code, and places for the player to hide (being a tree or small snow mound). could be accomplished with a 10 man team.

I hope i covered all the area's that Kim mentioned that needed to be adjusted and hope that this project will be chosen to do.

I am really bought by Phil's and my idea and i really want to work on this project. But whatever game Kim chooses for us to do, i will put all my effort in to making the chosen game successful.

I am going to state this hear and now. While yes I am okay programmer, I really want to do Texturing and Lighting for a change. I see all this pretty art being made and i need to find the better artist inside me.

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