

Friday, March 5, 2010

For the Sake of Jake the Snake

I disappointed myself. I typically feel quite comfortable in front of people, and have no problem trying to convince people that my ideas are better then their own. Last night I was slightly nervous, and it was because I didn't feel as though I did my part well enough. Lionell said he wanted to do the document, and I let him without trying to get super involved. When we presented, I felt that I should have made a Power Point, and I felt like I was too jumbled. I was all over the place.

I was more excited by other people's pitches then I was by my own. And I think it showed. I feel our concept was strong and fun, but may need to be scaled back a bit. I have no concept of scope apparently, and I need to work on that. I talked to Jordan last night and we were going over the different presentations and talking about the different concepts. In regards to my own, I think we might need to cut out the debris and the geese. The game would be complicated enough with JUST the drag and grab nodes, and then the level can become a strategic climber type level. Maybe in future versions we could add more, but for now the concept would need to be boiled down to a "click and drag, but don’t over reach" type game.

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