

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Hud Idea, Saturday 6/5

Hello All,

The problem with the old hud was the acorns. So while talking to Trevor about what we should add, we came up with the cache case. I have put in a placeholder for now till the art team can draw up the real one. The old hud can stay and I took out the static text box that was no longer in use and put in the placeholder for the cache case. Since the weapon and armor will be scattered in the level, we created the cache case to hold the shineys the player collects from the bosses. The weapons and armor will automatically change when the player picks them up. So the only use for the hud that we could think of was to make a shineys counter. The four shineys are needed to go on to the next level. I have placed the swf file in the u.i. folder since the fla file won't load up. Everyone take a look and see if you agree.


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