

Friday, June 4, 2010

User Interface Milestones

Phil and I have created our milestone for the next week and a half. I will be working on the win, lose, and credits screens. I have completed the tutorials screen, it just needs to be put in the game once I add in the Pause screen controls to the list. Lionell will be helping us for the next few days doing the art for some of the menus, according to the milestone list, he will be able to help starting Sunday. Since I am on the subject of having a helper, my notes from yesterday indicate that the tutorials screen art needs to be fixed as there is an issue where the desk and floor tile lines meet.

This Tuesday coming, we will be having a mini critique just to see where everyone stands. I like to start the critique right at 5:45 if at all possible so we can spend the rest of class time working on our milestones.

Couple things I just happened to think of.
1) Are the little enemies going to be getting their stat sheet implemented soon?
2) Has a stat sheet been created for the 3 mini-bosses and main boss?
3) How will we tell the player how much health the enemies, mini-boss, main boss has? (I.E. Health bar over their head? Clothes being torn?
4) Can there be a short delay when the player dies or wins before the win/lose screen shows up?

Okay, I am done making more work for everyone. I know the questions I posed here cannot be done for our current milestone setup, but should be top priority after this.


  1. I think the stat sheet is something that will be taken care of as part of The Entity's documentation updates.

  2. I got CS4 package installed on home computer now. It's time for Perry to bust his butt even more to help us.
