

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Level 2 concepts and future ideas

So part of our milestone was to concept out some level ideas for the second level. For me I decided to concept some beach level ideas out and was curious. Is it possible to do the following things:

Considering it's a beach level we should let the player do some swimming in all directions, and we should have a breath timer for the squirrel (like how Sonic can't be underwater for a certain time period or he dies). How difficult would it be to incorporate multi way swimming and a timer?

I know it's more work for animation and programming, but I think it would be cool to have for the beach level.

Another thing I wanted to bring up was for a future level based on the level select screen. For the volcano stage I thought of a fairly cool idea to add more challenge to the level. What if in the background player's can see a volcano erupting every so often and shortly after it erupts volcanic debris falls down in the playing field and the player has to avoid it. I think that would add some much needed challenge as well.

Just some ideas to mull over. I think they're nifty ideas that will add some challenge.


  1. I like the volcano thing where your dodging falling particles. I wish we had the time to get that stuff but me just being realistic those things most likely will not be added. We need to focus on making our first and beginning to the second stage working. I'd rather have one great level than 3 decent levels.

  2. I agree with that perry, but honestly we should actually try to carry this through to completion so we can show a full game to people.

  3. i think we should FINISH the first level then worry about the second level.
