

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Testing not going so well...

I thought everyone should know..  The testing Lance and myself have been doing hasn't really brought us any REAL results.  Either its the questions we are asking or the level flow is satisfactory.  The questionnaire we are using is posted on box for everyone to look at.

Talking with Jacob I realized we don't necessarily have to reuse the assets we were working with before.  Knowing this I kind of feel this entire week has been a wast of time.  I still don't think everyone in our team has even viewed the newest version of the level!

1 comment:

  1. While we don't need to use the old assets we have. I think it's better to use the old assets as placeholders over a white box as we have our art style. We want to show people that art style, not what we had more than 4 weeks ago.
