

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 8

Up on my super duper fancy web gallery here is the latest and greatest pictures from tonights class. Between drawing UI thumbnails and sketches, I will be working on getting our design document updated. One of the pictures in my gallery has a list of changes. The ones marked with the letter T are the ones that I will be doing. They are mostly simple changes or additions that need to be put in. If your name is next to one of them, please read the comments that Kim gave us on our last greenlight to update your portion. If there are any questions as to what needs to be done for the document, please let me know.

A reminder about the design document, this is a PITCH presentation and document. For anyone who is updating a portion of the design document, there should be no questions in the design document (i.e. How does our game stack up?). It should all be facts about our game. Also, make sure to say "we" and no "I".

That is all for now.

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