

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trevor's postmortem among other things

For the past ten weeks, our team of ten people have made an alpha prototype of our game. We have come a long way from the beginning, making iterations to our paper prototype, and then advancing in to thumbnails, sketches, and digitizing our paper prototype. We are only half way through the project as we have another ten weeks to go with it. Overall, we have a game about Squirrels fighting over objects in the back yard.

As with any project, thing will go our way, and other times will not. However since this is about my contributions to the project and not the whole team, I will discuss what went right and wrong for myself.

I will start with what went wrong on my end. Getting thumbnails and sketches for menus is not as easy as it sounds. There was a couple time where I found myself repeating thumbnails ideas. I also ran in to a problem with our User Interface flowchart. The flowchart that I had made up did not go down, but sideways. For readability, this was a bad layout. The word "final" also has a different meaning then what I had presented as a final Main Menu interface.

With wrongs, there is always rights. After revisiting the User Interface flowchart and actually making a "final" layout of the Main Menu and Loading Screen interfaces. Once that was completed, getting it in to flash was easy and making it work was also easy. The Loading screen and Main Menu interface came out they way I wanted it to look.

There is not much I would do differently. I had to redo a lot of the sketches and thumbnails due to being inexperienced in this area.

As far as everything else goes and the weeks ahead, I will be doing some work over the break. I have posted the pictures from tonight up on the gallery. If you cannot remember what your job is, it is up there. I will be working on flowcharting the store for our game as well as outlining the goals for the player to accomplish.

I am sorry if I over asked if everyone knew what they had assigned to them over the break. There have been a couple times where everyone was not on the same page. I just wanted to make sure that everyone is on the same page due to the fact that we are most likely not meeting over the break. Now if anyone is willing and able to meet over the break, we can arrange something to that nature.

If anyone needs any help with their parts or have any questions, you know where to reach us.

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