

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Level flowchart/story board

After revising our milestone list Max and I have determined that a flowchart would be alot more difficult a path for us to take in setting up the prototype level. So instead we've moved over to doing a story board of the level. What this is is basically a level layout but we detail every player action that can be taken in the level.

This would be done showing a line with different symbols representing actions for instance a spark could signify where a player would be able to land while the line attached is the player movement and the jump height being represented by said line. Other objects could be represented by other symbols or letters as well. If you still don't quite understand what I'm trying to say check out this image from

The following image is from Super Mario Bros. 2 J (or SMB The Lost Levels) world 3-4. It's one of those maze castles where you have to take a specific path to reach the end. The bigger image is the overall level layout while the lower image shows the player path to success.

Here's a direct link for a better image:

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