

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jacob Boura's Postmortem


For team project 1 we have been creating an action platformer in which the player controls a squirrel that has to fight in the national squirrel army against opposing factions to collect nuts and take control of the yard. The process was long and hard with many changes along the way, but in the end, I feel we have a nice solid idea that will evolve into a fun game quite easily.

What went right?

I think our group had good leadership and hardworking individuals that helped push the group along. People stepped up to get things accomplished when they needed to, and Lionell especially worked his butt off to keep the art team up to date with their milestones.

In general I feel that Team Inside Voice worked very well together, and though we might butt heads occasionally, we all found a way to compromise to reach our goal.

In my opinion, the digital prototype came along much faster than I expected it to.

I was a little worried when I first started drawing out thumbs for the environment. I was worried that my trees would look terrible, and I would have no art even close to what was needed for our project. Through the motivation of the team, and especially Max, I found some styles that worked, and refined my skills to be able to draw out our trees.

What went wrong?

There were some occasional misunderstandings between people, our original presentations were weak. Though we did come a long way since, I do feel that we don’t know exactly what all is needed for our document, for our documentation, for our process books etc. I think a breakdown of each area is in need, and luckily, we are doing one during the first week of next term.

What would I do differently?

I left my role up in the air because I was trying to do what was needed, what I wanted, and in the end I started late and didn’t know where to go from there... I was lost for a while and worked super hard to try to catch up when my role was finally defined. I have a problem letting other people take over for something that I think I should be doing, and its soooo hard for me to actually let go, but I must.

Wrap it up?

All in all I think we accomplished a lot, AND all of us grew a bit throughout this process. We still have a long way to go, but our progress already makes me excited and confident that the future will be bright.

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