

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Here is the game plan for the next week. On Saturday, 4/17/10 at 7:00AM in room 233 we are having a team meeting. During this meeting, we are allgoing to be putting in our portions of our game. By everything, I mean this:

U.I. - Loading, Main Menu, In-game, and Ending
Level Block-in

This is everything that we will be putting in the game. Now I know that every single weapon and character cannot all be put in before the final, but at least one weapon and character should be in on Saturday.

Everyone must come Saturday to put in their portion of the game. Now some of you have classes on Saturday, so go to those classes. DO NOT SKIP THEM. However, if you are not in any class, have prior commitment, or work, please be here so we can get our game ready for next Thursday. My plan is to have one computer where everyone can take their part and put it in the final build for this term. If you cannot make it Saturday, please let me know ASAP. Also make sure that you put in your portion of our game on It is vital to everyone that we have access to your files if you are unable to be here.

I would also like to remind everyone that has a portion of the design document that needs to be updated to have it done by the end of class on Tuesday 4/20/10. Anything not updated will not be changed in the design document.

As for the presentation on Thursday, 4/22/10, Jacob, Lionell, and myself (Trevor) will be the only ones speaking during the presentation. If you would like to speak, or do not want to speak, please let me know.

Everything I have posted here is what we talked about today, 4/13/10. If you need more info, please let me know. Everyone has access to the contact information on so use that to get a hold of me. That is all for now.


  1. Count me in let's get this project done and go out with an bang.

  2. I want to be there, however I'm not sure at the moment. If Kroger decides to give me my full pay I'll more than likely be there, but if they screw me over (again!) I probly won't be there, but I will have my work uploaded to the box.

    If anyone lives close to the Ypsilanti area, I'd like to get a ride. Just either call me or send me an email. Now I also have work at least tomorrow and Saturday (both days are about 4 to 1030). I will try to be there, but I can't promise anything.

  3. I will definitely be there. At 7 exact, maybe, maybe not. It depends on traffic at this point but I most definitely plan to be there.
