

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trevor Lift Mechanic #021 - Pellet Quest Review

Pellet Quest RPG is a game based on PacMan. It is really no different than PacMan, but instead of just eating all of the pellets to go on to the next level, the player must get a key to advance. Two aspects that makes this different is the enemy AI and the various traps around the levels. As far as the enemy AI, there would be enemies that will stand still. Once they see you, they will charge at you.

In the article, the writer says that "the pellets are both experience points and money. You can spend pellets to buy keys, items, and abilities from shops." It later says that certain areas require X number of pellets to enter. This is why I do not think that this mechanic has been thought out very well. We need pellets to buy stuff and also need them to open different areas. So if I were to spend a thousand pellets, how do i get more so i can open that area up assuming that the pellets do not regenerate?

The base mechanic itself is a good start and is what made PacMan the game that it is. Some of the ideas in the article seem to be flawed and not very clear to me at least. This mechanic seems geared toward the casual gamer audience. If the enemies AI were to be more challenging, I would see more hardcore gamers wanting to play this.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the pellet quanity, if they do not regenerate. It would cause a big issue in game play. The player would have to take that into account before purchasing items.
