

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The New Commandments

The unwritten rules according to Paul, Trevor and Jacob

1. No garlic or onions before a date
2. Pants before your socks/ socks before your pants
3. left lane is for passing
4. Don't stand at a urinal if there is a guy at the urinal next to it
5. Check out after eight
6. Girls get the front seat when i driving
7. Load the dishwasher after eating/ LEAVE THE PLATES TILL TOMORROW
8. Clean your house right before people get there
9. Use your blinker or I'll ram you
10. Always make a legal u-turn
11. Coke and Pepsi aren't the same thing!!!
12. open doors for ladies
13. If service is good always tip 15%(Trevor)20%(Jacob)
14. Never wear anyone else's hat on your head
15. always say thank you
16. Always point out cats
17. always point out mustangs
18. always eat the marshmallows first in lucky charms
19. arm rest always has to be on the left
20. house pets suck
21. its called America... speak American
22. Don't give me attitude because you hate your life
23. always charge your phone at night

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